johnny passed out

So on the set of Menthol and Johnny decided to snake a power nap while we blocked out his scene.

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PF Tek Cycle t-shirt funds psilocybin cancer research.

PF Tek light blue

light blue shirt, brown PF Tek Cycle print shirt

I will donate $2 from each shirt sold to NYU Psilocybin Cancer Anxiety Research.

At the request of a friend, I made a screen of the lone graphic from the PF Tek, the classic psilocybe cubensis spore syringe growing system popularized in High Times magazine in the 80s and 90s. I liked the idea so much I burnt a silk screen right away and made a sample.

Psychedelic mushroom experiences expose the user to an ego stripping inter connectedness reframing of perception and projection. At least that was my recollection.

PF Tek shirt

Navy shirt, white PF Tek Cycle print

Various psilocybin studies are examining the effects psilocybin has on cancer patients and PTSD sufferers.
I will donate a portion of proceeds from the sale of t-shirts to research and rescheduling efforts.

PF Tek shirt, mushrooms, psilocybin, spore syringe, spore print, art print,

The PF Tek Cycle graphic printed on a t-shirt.

For a basic t-shirt select this first purchase.  Soft Bella Canvas tee in a variety of colors. Email me with your preferences. $22 + $6 shipping. USA only. 



To get a raglan shirt like in the photo above with colored sleeves/collar on white, select button below. Printed on soft Bella Canvas raglan shirt in variety of colors. $28 + $6 shipping and handling. 



Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery depending on order requests. $2 from each sale will be donated to the NYU Psilocybin Cancer Anxiety Study. Hoodies, organics and special requests email

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A new t-shirt design for ‘Stonians everywhere.

Are you Washingstoned right now in Washingstonia? Then get a bongload of this new t-shirt design from maxpash. If you would like to own this ridiculous design, click the add to cart button below and proceed through the check out process.


Washington Marijuana Cannabis Legalization t-shirt washingstonia

Be a ploud Washinstonian.

questions or custom orders? email

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Met the Dude

Jeff Bridges, Ojai Valley Trail, Chris Wilson

Jeff Bridges and Me in Ojai.

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George Carlin’s 7 Words hand printed on a t-shirt

Here’s a shirt for your edgy little empty life. Go ahead push back a little. Don’t just sit there on the couch covered in crumbs while your team loses. Tell the world what you think it deserves to hear without ever saying a word.

Carlin George Shit Piss Cunt Fuck Motherfucker Cocksucker Tits

A shirt whose time has come

this fucking awesome simple design is hand printed on a quality organic cotton t-shirt with water based ink as a service to the under appreciated masses.

I will ship internationally, but not for the $6 flat rate associated with the paypal button. Please contact me directly: if you want this and live outside the US.




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Defining Deviant Delights


An idea whose time has come. A dark side that smiles, touches itself and avoids human contact as much as possible.

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